Domestic Interaction series
Domestic Interaction series 2014, stop motion video, 4min 47sec, performers; Will Dickie, Bree Morrison, Francesca Mancini,
music track 'Who Saw The Ducks' by Polygrains statement
Fulfil The Gaps 2012, image from stop motion
1min 4sec loop
Fulfil the Gaps 2012, porcelain, yellow ribbon, TVs, DVDs,
bricks, black wires, 256x125x50 cm, site-specific installation at Hardy Tree Gallery, London, photography by Jörg Obergfell
Sofa and Lamp 2012, image from stop motion, 16sec loopSofa and Lamp 2012, installation view, London Design Festival 2012Coat Rack 2013, installation, coat rack, screen, headphones, stop motion 31sec loopCoat Rack 2013, image from stop motion
video, 22sec loop statement